Your involvement is important to us! This Alameda-Tesla Classification Process and General Plan Project has many opportunities for you to contribute to planning the future of the Alameda-Tesla property.
No activities currently planned. If you’d like to receive notification of planned activities, please share your email at the bottom of the page.
Thank you to everyone who participated at the past activities, visioning workshops! Please stay tuned for upcoming workshops and events.
The State Parks Diablo Range Division hosted a tour with the Parks and Recreation Commission that allowed the public to experience the Alameda-Tesla property. The event was held on Wednesday, April 17th, 2024 with approximately 50 participants.
A Visioning Survey was administered in Winter 2023 to understand the public’s vision for the types and intensity of future activities and experiences at the Alameda-Tesla property. The survey was available from October through December 2023. It received 1,257 responses.
The Alameda-Tesla team held a series of meetings with stakeholders to hear their perspectives on the plan. Virtual meetings were held for local agency stakeholders and recreation and access stakeholders on March 14, 2024, while in -person meetings were held for neighbors and natural, cultural, and historical resources stakeholders on March 16, 2024.
Video recording of meeting with local agencies
Video recording of meeting with recreation and access groups
Presentation to neighbors and natural, cultural, and historical resources groups
Local Agencies Meeting Summary | March 14, 2024
Recreation Group Meeting Summary | March 14, 2024
In Winter 2023, Community members participated in two Visioning Workshops where they had opportunities to:
Livermore Visioning Workshop (In-Person)
Date: November 14, 2023
Time: 5:30PM – 8:00PM
Location: Livermore Public Library
Livermore Visioning Workshop Summary
Virtual Visioning Workshop (Via Zoom)
Date: November 28, 2023
Time: 6:00PM – 7:30PM
Location: Zoom
A virtual scoping meeting was held Tuesday, January 28, 2025, to provide additional information about the Alameda-Tesla Classification Process and General Plan Project EIR process and gave interested parties an opportunity to comment on the scope and potential environmental effects of the project to be analyzed in the EIR. Visit the EIR Page to review the Notice of Preparation.
The meeting recording can be viewed here.
Make sure to sign up for the email list to be informed of upcoming workshops, meetings, and other ways to get involved.